CO2 performance
January - December 2024

At Power Grid Civils we actively track and record our CO2 emissions. We use this data to set practical targets to help us reduce our CO2 footprint, as we work towards Net Zero in line with Government objectives. We do this under the belief that everyone has their part to play in ensuring the climate security of our planet for the generations to come.

Sustainability Power Grid Civils 2

Woodland Regeneration


native woodland re-established with funding from Trainhugger


native trees have
been planted

Energy & Carbon Management

We have rolled out a fleet of Deep Green Genfree Welfare units from Boss cabins


materials used are recyclable at end of cabin


reduction in water consumption and service visits

We review our plant fleet on a triannual basis to ensure we have plant that is economical and of the highest possible specification to meet the requirements of our contracts and sustainability goals.


reduced fuel consumption in our excavators compared to previous models.

We are now members of the Supply Chain Sustainability School who cover all aspects of the built environment, and focus on eight main topics; Sustainability, Digital, FIR, Lean Construction, Management, Offsite, People and Procurement.

The School is an award winning industry wide collaboration, led by Partners and Members whose Vision for the School is to be:

“An industry where everyone will have the skills and knowledge to deliver a sustainable future.”
